Created by cent20

Created on April 19, 2021

8.74 KB


Python Game for Numworks N0110 and N0100,
code by Fedyna K. october 2020. (FR)
Original workshop host ðŸĪŠ

from kandinsky import fill_rect, draw_string
from ion import keydown
from math import sqrt
from random import randint
from time import monotonic

    from kandinsky import get_keys
    color = (192, 53, 53)
    color = (255, 183, 52)

terrain = (262143,131841,187245,187245,131073,186285,135969,252783,249903,251823,1152,251823,249903,251823,131841,187245,147465,219051,135969,195453,131073,262143)
bits = 18
width = 320
height = 222
colors = ((0, 0, 0), (32, 48, 248), (248, 224, 8), tuple(color))
ghost_color = ((255, 184, 255), (255, 0,0), (255, 184, 82), (0, 255, 255))
pacgommes = [0,130302,9360,74898,131070,75858,126174,8208,8208,8208,8208,8208,8208,8208,130302,74898,49140,43092,126174,66690,131070,0]
superpacgommes = [0,0,65538,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,65538,0,0,0,0,0,0]
frightened = 0
lives = 2
won = 0
lvl = 0
score = 0
chained = 0

class Entity:
    def __init__(self, x, y, clr, d=0):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.d = d
        self.nd = d
        self.f = 0
        self.out = 0
        self.color = clr
    def espace(self,dx=-1,dy=-1):
        if dx == dy:
            dx, dy = ((-0.1,0),(0,-0.1),(0,0.1),(0.1,0))[self.nd]
        return not terrain[int(self.y + 5.5*dy)]>>(bits-1-int(self.x + 5.5*dx)) & 1 and ((dx != 0 and self.y%1 == 0.5) or (dy != 0 and self.x%1== 0.5))
    def move(self):
        global frightened, ghosts, score, chained, lives, total, won
        dx, dy = ((-0.1,0),(0,-0.1),(0,0.1),(0.1,0))[self.d]
        if self.espace(dx,dy):
            self.x = (round(self.x + dx, 1) - 0.5) % 16.5 + 0.5
            self.y = round(self.y + dy, 1)
        if self.color == colors[2]:
            if pacgommes[int(self.y)] >> (bits - 1 - int(self.x)) & 1:
                pacgommes[int(self.y)] -= 1 << (bits - 1 - int(self.x))
                score += 10
            if superpacgommes[int(self.y)] >> (bits - 1 - int(self.x)) & 1:
                superpacgommes[int(self.y)] -= 1 << (bits - 1 - int(self.x))
                score += 50
                chained = 0
                frightened = monotonic()
                for g in ghosts:
                    if g.out:
                        g.color = colors[1]
                        g.d = (3, 2, 1, 0)[g.d]
                        g.f = 1
            for g in range(4):
                if sqrt((self.x-ghosts[g].x)**2+(self.y-ghosts[g].y)**2) < 0.6:
                    if ghosts[g].f:
                        chained += 1
                        total += 1
                        score += (1 << chained)*100
                        ghosts[g].f = 0
                        ghosts[g].color = ghost_color[g]
                        ghosts[g].x = 9
                        ghosts[g].y = 8.5
                        if total == 16:
                            score += 12000
                        for gp in range(4):
                            ghosts[gp].f = 0
                            ghosts[gp].color = ghost_color[gp]
                            ghosts[gp].x = 9
                            ghosts[gp].y = 10.5
                            ghosts[gp].out = 0
                        self.x = 9
                        self.y = 16.5
                        self.d, self.nd = 0, 0
                        lives -= 1
                        return render()
            if not won and score > 10000:
                lives += 1
                won = 1
        px, py = int(self.x - 5.5*dx), int(self.y - 5.5*dy)
        if pacgommes[py]>>(bits-1-px) & 1:
            fill_rect(px*10+144,py*10+5,2,2,(250, 207, 173))
        if superpacgommes[py]>>(bits-1-px) & 1:
            fill_rect(px*10+143,py*10+4,4,4,(250, 207, 173))
    def ia(self,x,y):
        if self.f:
            while True:
                d = randint(0,3)
                dx, dy = ((-0.1,0),(0,-0.1),(0,0.1),(0.1,0))[d]
                if d != (3,2,1,0)[self.d] and self.espace(dx,dy):
                    self.d = d
            distances = [9999 for _ in range(4)]
            for i in range(4):
                if i != (3,2,1,0)[self.d]:
                    dx, dy = ((-0.1,0),(0,-0.1),(0,0.1),(0.1,0))[i]
                    if self.espace(dx,dy):
                        distances[i] = sqrt((self.y + dy - y)**2 + (self.x + dx - x)**2)
            self.d = distances.index(min(distances))

def prebuild():
    fill_rect(138, 0, 2, height, colors[3])
    draw_string("PAC-MAN", 35, 10, colors[3], colors[0])
    draw_string("", 0, 204,colors[0], colors[3])
    draw_string("Score :", 35, 40, (255,)*3, colors[0])
    draw_string("Niveau :", 30, 90, (255,)*3, colors[0])

def render():
    global terrain, pacgommes, superpacgommes, lives, arrivee
    if lives == -1:
        return 42
    for i in range(lives):
    for l in range(len(terrain)):
        for c in range(bits):
            if pacgommes[l]>>(bits-1-c) & 1:
                fill_rect(c*10+144,l*10+5,2,2,(250, 207, 173))
            if superpacgommes[l]>>(bits-1-c) & 1:
                fill_rect(c*10+143,l*10+4,4,4,(250, 207, 173))
            if terrain[l]>>(bits-1-c) & 1:
                for d in ((1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)):
                    if 0 <= l + d[0] <= len(terrain) - 1 and 0 <= c + d[1] <= bits - 1 and not terrain[l + d[0]]>>(bits-1-(c+d[1])) & 1:
    arrivee = monotonic()

def engine():
    global frightened, ghosts, pacgommes, superpacgommes, lvl, arrivee, total
    while True:
        pacgommes = [0,130302,9360,74898,131070,75858,126174,8208,8208,8208,8208,8208,8208,8208,130302,74898,49140,43092,126174,66690,131070,0]
        superpacgommes = [0,0,65538,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,65538,0,0,0,0,0,0]
        lvl += 1
        total = 0
        pacman = Entity(9, 16.5, colors[2])
        ghosts = [Entity(9, 10.5, ghost_color[i]) for i in range(4)]
        while sum(pacgommes) + sum(superpacgommes):
            depart = monotonic()
            for i in range(4):
                if keydown(i):
                    if i == (3,2,1,0)[pacman.d]:
                        pacman.d = i
                    pacman.nd = i
            while monotonic() - depart < 0.01:
                if pacman.espace():
                    pacman.d = pacman.nd
                if pacman.move() == 42:
                    draw_string("GAME OVER",185,100,colors[3],colors[0])
                    return 69


            """ Fantomes """

            if frightened:
                if monotonic() - frightened > 6.5:
                    for g in ghosts:
                        if g.f:
                            g.color = (255,)*3
                if monotonic() - frightened > 8.5:
                    frightened = 0
                    for g in range(4):
                        ghosts[g].color = ghost_color[g]
                        ghosts[g].f = 0

            if arrivee:
                if monotonic() - arrivee > 0 and not ghosts[1].out:
                    ghosts[1].out = 1
                    ghosts[1].y = 8.5
                if monotonic() - arrivee > 2.5 and not ghosts[0].out:
                    ghosts[0].out = 1
                    ghosts[0].y = 8.5
                if monotonic() - arrivee > 5 and not ghosts[3].out:
                    ghosts[3].out = 1
                    ghosts[3].y = 8.5
                if monotonic() - arrivee > 7.5 and not ghosts[2].out:
                    ghosts[2].out = 1
                    ghosts[2].y = 8.5
                    arrivee = 0

            pdx, pdy = ((-0.1,0),(0,-0.1),(0,0.1),(0.1,0))[pacman.d]

            # Pinky
            ghosts[0].ia(pacman.x + 20 * pdx, pacman.y + 20 * pdy)

            # Inky
            ghosts[3].ia(max(min(ghosts[1].x + 2*(pacman.x + 20 * pdx - ghosts[1].x), 16.5), 1.5), max(min(ghosts[1].y +2*(pacman.y + 20 * pdy - ghosts[1].y), 21.5), 1.5))

            # Blinky
            ghosts[1].ia(pacman.x, pacman.y)

            # Clyde
            if sqrt((ghosts[2].x - pacman.x)**2 + (ghosts[2].y - pacman.y)**2) > 4:
                ghosts[2].ia(pacman.x, pacman.y)
                ghosts[2].ia(1.5, 20.5)
